The clouds part like gaudy stage curtains,
Ruffled and furled whites and greys,
By times edged with silver, by times with gold.
House lights now of slanting sun,
New scene of glistening green and brown,
Blue, blue backdrop of rainwashed sky.
Just as so many a torn chocolate-box lid,
Or jig-saw puzzle missing a piece,
Or crumpled postcard stuffed in a drawer.
What chance to kiss chocolate from your lips?
No part of a cloud is held in your hand,
A sad piece of card with an old address.
Fergus Carty
Daily Quote: "Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events."
~Adrienne Rich
Linguist Corner: sagesse (saah zhess) / noun, feminine
wisdom, (good) sense; discretion
- faire preuve de sagesse = to be sensible
- la sagesse populaire = popular (or traditional) wisdom
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