By: V. Mahfood

The Sea rages ceaselessly amidst unmoving rocks
Hurling Herself restlessly, longing to escape,
Hoping to embrace both the earth and the sky
Demanding life outside Her own, she begins to sigh.

And Her yards of white lace swirl around Her
On layers of rich, azure silk.
Profoundly blue, always ever changing
As eternal as the universe, now ebbing, now flowing.

Yet the music of the Sea is serenely noble
And sings tales of many brave heroes,
With ringing tones so melancholy sweet
While the sand dances at Her nimble feet.

"Be glad for each day, do not despair the past
You have many chances to repair what has been lost,
As you sing to My music and dance to My song
Come celebrate life's splendor all day long!"

V. Mahfood

"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."
-John F. Kennedy

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Posted by V. Mahfood
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3 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hi, I`ve been reading your poems, woowww! You write very nice, I loved this poem, the fluidity and words are all in the right place, I know I will learn from you a lot, thanks for sharing. Joe Trava

  2. Vic Mahfood Says:

    Thank you, Joe. I used to write a lot more but time restraints have gotten to me, so now I mostly enjoy other's poems. You write beautifully and descriptively as well. Happy to show your work!

  3. honestly, i found this to be most impressive. to hold the sea in such regard that sovereignty sojourns and with ability to express that is remarkable. thank you poet!