By: Syeed Ahman Ahmad
It waits— for my return or my annihilation?
Know not, but it waits there, beyond darkness
As I walk with my lethargic soul,
Beyond mystique sensation and tremor within…
Falls on me and burns my body,
Each droplet of heaven’s nectar;
For world ‘tis beautiful
But for me, ‘tis very hurtful…
Heart is a lost chamber, where an abyss dwells
And gulps everything within,
Dusk besieges the world,
But overwhelms my souls,
Makes it a hole,
And I just walk and walk without the knowledge…
Knows not, my psyche, where it’s taking me,
And I realize this, only when I fall,
And get hurt, and bleed profusely!
Syeed Ahman Ahmad
Poems by Syeed A. Ahmad
"But now I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth."
~Umberto Eco
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