Some children are so naughty,
And some are very good;
But the Genteel Family
Did always what it should.
They put on gloves when they went out.
And ran not in the street;
And on wet days not one of them
Had ever muddy feet.
Then they were always so polite,
And always thanked you so;
And never threw their toys about,
As naughty children do.
They always learnt their lessons
When it was time they should;
And liked to eat up all their crusts–
They were so very good.
And then their frocks were never torn,
Their tuckers always clean;
And their hair so very tidy–
Always quite fit to be seen.
Then they made calls with their mamma
And were so very neat;
And learnt to bow becomingly
When they met you in the street.
And really they were everything
That children ought to be;
And well may be examples now
For little you–and me.
Kate Greenaway
Daily Quote: May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.
- Irish Blessing
Linguist Corner-SPANISH: antiguamente / adverb
once, formerly; in the old days
- como se decĂa antiguamente
as people used to say (in the good old days)
- un barrio donde antiguamente se alojaba una base militar
an area where there used to be a military base
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