Binding me with your chains of lust
Trapping me in your sensual nest of intoxicating
You come to me, wrapping your lecherous webs
around my tattered wings
Trapping me forever in your embrace
You mend my broken wings
But then, you rip them apart again
and as always...
You vanish from my side
Taking the remnants of my heart with you
That grip that you have on my heart
Like the coldness of a pythons grip
Its so unbearable!
That bittersweet pain that splinters my heart
That persistent ache sheltered deeply in
its secret chambers...aah I need you so much!
In the dark of the night, The still calm of the morning, to the blazing fire of the afternoon....
No matter how long
No matter how far
I await your return
My Phantom Lover
Kiri Yume
Daily Quote: Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?
- Henry David Thoreau
Linguist Corner-ITALIAN: improvvisamente / suddenly
Example sentence: Improvvisamente ha cominciato a piovere.
Translation: Suddenly it started raining.
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