One by one the petals drop
There's nothing that can make them stop.
You cannot beg a rose to stay.
Why does it have to be that way?
The butterflies I used to chase
Have gone off to some other place.
I don't know where. I only know
I wish they didn't have to go.
And all the shiny afternoons
So full of birds and big balloons
And ice cream melting in the sun Are done.
I do not want them done
Judith Viorst
Daily Quote: You know that you have fully experienced love
when you turn into love -
that is the spiritual goal of life.
- Deepak Chopra
Linguist Corner-ITALIAN: quadro: painting / noun
Example sentence: Furono rubati due quadri, uno di Raffaello e uno di Caravaggio.
Translation: Two paintings were stolen: a Raphael and a Caravaggio.
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