As he gazes into her beautiful eyes, he can’t help but feel so alive
She warms his heart thoroughly like a microwave set on high
He tries desperately and repeatedly to tell her just how he feels
On the inside, but his inner emotions block his words like a shield
He wrestles inwardly with himself like a thief whose conscience is guilty
And finally he pieces his emotions together like an old woman quilting
She looks at him, her eyes now full of concern and asks, “Are you all right? ”
He smiles at her confidently and responds “I feel like I just won a fight”
He then eagerly grabs her hands praying that she would understand
An in an almost breathless voice tells her that she has a heart in her hands
She gazes questionably at him and he boldly presses on, eager to explain
That before he met her, life was a cup running over with pain
But now he’s recovering from heart surgery and she is his personal IV
She holds an object in her hands; she can feel the heart beat
She looks at him and asks innocently, “Whose heart could it be?”
He answers clearly, “There’s a heart in your hands and it belongs to me”
He prays she will understand that his heart is in her hands
And that she is the reason he went through a heart transplant
He takes a shuddering breath, kisses her hands and boldly continues
He tells her that his heart beats for her and only her, it’s bulletproof
Like an officer wearing a vest trying to put an angry juvenile under arrest
While he continually shoots, aiming for the heart beating under the vest
She arrests his heart like an arrest that’s cardiac
And every time she leaves his sight he has a heart attack
But now he’s recovering from heart surgery and she is his personal IV
She holds an object in her hands; she can feel the heart beat
She looks at him and asks innocently, “Whose heart could it be?”
He answers clearly, “There’s a heart in your hands and it belongs to me”
Dashon Demar
Daily Quote: "The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want."
-- Ben Stein
Linguist Corner-FRENCH: muguet / lily of the valley / noun
French: Un brin de muguet le premier mai vous apportera du bonheur toute l'année.
English: A sprig of lily of the valley on May first will bring you happiness all year long.
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