What are these things we call memories?
Past fact or present expectations?
Was it the really Nerys that caught my eye?
Or the sparkle of the alter-Kira?
The picture shifts as easily as Odo
So what is it we think we know?
A child tires of it’s drawing of a house
And turns a page and starts again,
As regularly as the tide cleans the beach
For the stick’s fresh pictographs.
The wrong shapes floating in the sky?
Will pass off-screen soon enough.
Electric impulses flash across
The surface of brain and through its canyons.
Chemicals change molecular switches
And stimuli are physically stored,
Even unconsciously. From these minutiae,
We retrieve our building blocks of memory.
In the delta of braided channels
Of another year that’s run its course
How accurate is the chart in hand?
How were the fathoms plumbed?
Is this the view of a year 2010?
Or Version #2010 of some other year?
Fergus Carty
Daily Quote: You can't let praise or criticism get to you.
It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.
- John Wooden
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