One year, two year, three year
they pass so quickly,
it seemed I was a child,
young adult,
all before I knew what happened.
I wanted to be adult
and now I reach for childhood
Elementary, Junior High, High School and
a twenty-year reunion
a glance at the past that’s gone.
Nothing changes, everything changes
my hair changing now
my body changing too
vitamins the doctors recommends now with test
Invasive, odd, strange and reserved test for other, older people.
I am those older people now
it has all changed
but I still remember cartoon vitamins
they tasted grape.
Clinton S. Thomas
Poet Domain
Daily Quote: You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Linguist Corner-FRENCH: tranche / slice / noun
French: Elle a découpé la brioche en tranches fines.
English: She cut the cake into thin slices.
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