Angel of music, lift her spirits high.
Mastermind in the darkness of despair,
Use your genius to lift her to the sky.
Pitiful creature never taught to care.
Behind the mask you hide your troubled past,
Your shattered, pitiful, and fractured life.
You never truly thought your love could last.
The one you loved would never be your wife.
In your opera house that you ruled for years.
You’re left alone in your personal hell.
You’re left alone to cry your bloody tears.
A quick and quiet death would do you well.
The papers proclaim the death of Erik,
Could the Phantom die or was this a trick.
Pierce Hacking
Catharsis of Pierce
Daily Quote: Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
- William Faulkner
Linguist Corner-ITALIAN: cominciare: to start verb.
Example sentence:
Il documentario comincia con una scena di un paesaggio di montagna.
Translation: The documentary starts with a scene of a mountain landscape.
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