The moon walks
And the stars
Oh the stars shine
The clouds in
Colors so plain
Turn the darkest sky
To a lighter heaven above
They fly when the moon
Only walks
They draw near
As the stars twinkle
For the destined meeting
And the earth rumbles
When they amass
It seems they
The color within dull darkness
Burst and fight
Smaller things see
When they stare to
Witness the walking moon
And shining stars
As each come
A devil and dragon
Bewitching an angel with
Black wings
A bearded god carrying a wand
Long and thin
Drowns monsters
So ugly none could
Think gods created
Such things
In the starry sky
As the moon walks
Across dark, dull sky
Clouds rein above
Showing stories
Of battles
And struggles
Older than death
Alexis Gostelow
Daily Quote: It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
- e. e. cummings
Linguist Corner-Italian: rispondere: to reply / verb
Example sentence: Non abbiamo risposto alla tua mail perché ce ne siamo dimenticati.
Translation: We did not reply to your e-mail because we forgot to do it.
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