If today was the last time I'd have to look into your eyes,
I would gaze into the windows to your soul, forevermore;
As I engrave my name with everlasting ink onto your heart.
If today was the last time I'd have to hug you,
I would take all the time I'd have to hold you near;
As I wish time never ends, to forever hold and cherish your warm embrace.
If today was the last time I'd have to kiss you,
I would take all the time I'd have to press my lips against yours,
So I can savor your divine ecstasy for more than an eternity.
If today was the last time I'd get to see your smiling face,
I would take all the time I'd have to enjoy every second of it,
As I would cherish that moment forevermore deep within my restless heart.
If today was the last time I'd get to talk to you,
I would take all the time I'd have to say all the words always gone unspoken,
As I would hold your hand, feeling your touch, so soft and tender.
If today was the last time I'd get to be with you,
I would take all the time I'd have to do all the things ever gone undone,
As I would express in them how much I love and cherish you.
If today was the last time I'd get to see you cry,
I would take all the time I'd have to wipe your tears away,
As I would promise to love you forevermore with a love that's here to stay.
If today was the last day of my mere existence,
I would want to spend all the time I'd have with no one else but you;
So that, as I take my last breath, I can rest in your warm embrace just one more time.
Charles A. Louis, Jr.
Copyright © 2009 - LOVE NOTES FROM FROM THE HEART by Charles Antoine Louis, Jr. All rights reserved
Daily Quote: The full measure of a man is
not to be found in the man himself,
but in the colors and textures that
come alive in others because of him.
- Albert Schweitzer
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