By: C. S. Thomas

The 80’s
big hair, big bands, metal ballads and parachute pants.
Cable television, just over the horizon
Don Johnson, Bo Derek - never growing old
Whitesnake, Van Halen, Michael – young
Eight tracks, records out to cassette tapes.
Reagan offered hope
Communist offered doom
Amazed by DOS, stunned by Windows
Typewriters to computers.

80’s day
A celebration
Where’s the beef, Like a Virgin, headbands
Big hair is big wigs,
parachute pants costumes
Going retro
Saying, “I like the old stuff.”
Spandex, leg warmers
wondering about music
on MTV.

C. S. Thomas

Daily Quote: "Few people have any next, they live from hand to mouth without a plan, and are always at the end of their line."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Linguist Corner-SPANISH: mirada / a look / noun. feminine
- una mirada triste
a sad look
- levantar la mirada
to look up
- bajar la mirada
to look down

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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By: Fergus Carty

The clouds part like gaudy stage curtains,
Ruffled and furled whites and greys,
By times edged with silver, by times with gold.

House lights now of slanting sun,
New scene of glistening green and brown,
Blue, blue backdrop of rainwashed sky.

Just as so many a torn chocolate-box lid,
Or jig-saw puzzle missing a piece,
Or crumpled postcard stuffed in a drawer.

What chance to kiss chocolate from your lips?
No part of a cloud is held in your hand,
A sad piece of card with an old address.

Fergus Carty

Daily Quote: "Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events."
~Adrienne Rich

Linguist Corner: sagesse (saah zhess) / noun, feminine
wisdom, (good) sense; discretion
- faire preuve de sagesse = to be sensible
- la sagesse populaire = popular (or traditional) wisdom

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter. We look forward to sharing your own beautiful poetry with the world.
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By: Ryan Lee Morris

When the ocean is stormy
I sail my best
For the calm, peaceful seas
They are not a test
It's when the waves are crashing
And it feels the end is nearing
Those moments make you cherish
When you come to the clearing
It's the bad times that shape us
To who we need to be
To appreciate the good times
This truth sets us free

Ryan Lee Morris

Daily Quote: Most of us love, to be sure. Yet far too often our love is passive.
We must be proactive in our love in order for it to change our lives.
- Marianne Williamson

Linguist Corner-SPANISH: mirada, noun / look
La mirada is the noun from mirar, and means a look.
- una mirada triste
a sad look
- levantar la mirada
to look up

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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By: Unknown

When autumn wind goes running
It does some magic things.
It gives the shadows dancing shoes,
It gives the bright leaves wings -
When autumn wind goes running.

It curls the bonfire's tail of smoke
And shares a little whispered joke
With cornstalks who delight to prattle,
It turns a seed pod into a rattle -
When autumn wind goes running.


Daily Quote: "To know how to choose a path with heart is to learn how to follow intuitive feeling."
-- Jean Shinoda Bolen

Linguist Corner-ITALIAN: domattina: tomorrow morning / adverb.
Example: Domattina andiamo tutti al parco, va bene?
Translation: Tomorrow morning we'll all go to the park, ok?

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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By: B. Mahfood

Pooled light, soft, pale, sings.
touching us with caresses
We embrace this night.


Your moving reasons
I see with clear eyes and heart

B. Mahfood
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Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends are dead. Fill their lives with sweetness, speak cheering words while their ears can hear, and while their hearts can be thrilled and made happier by them.
-G. Williams Childs

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010

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By: Stormy Day

I love the way your hair
stuck out to one side
when you'd just woke up
it was the cutest bed-head
I'd ever seen

I loved how your hand
enveloped mine
like a small child's
when we'd walk together
side by side

I loved the way just your smile
could make my day
my favorite one
stretched to your ears
and made you look so silly

I loved how your eyes
would change from green to brown
or somewhere in between
and that soft look you would get
saved just for me

I loved the way your voice
enchanted me so completely
I could sit and listen
for hours on end
and never tire of it

I loved how you would laugh
unexpectedly out loud
and wouldn't tell me why
it only made me wonder more
what you were thinking of

I loved the way your arms
held me close yet gentle
how protected and safe I felt
when I was with you
and how loved I knew I once was

I loved everything about you
and all that you were
every strength
and every flaw
I loved it all

I loved you

Stormy Day

Daily Quote: Under every full moon, a woolgathering world idles. ~Lorraine Skylark

Linguist Corner-FRENCH: étoilé / starry /Part of speech: adjective
French: Nous sommes allés nous promener de nuit, sous un beau ciel étoilé.
English: We went for a walk at night under a beautiful starry sky.

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010

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By: R. J. Denzel

like the
Flying Dutchman
cast about
the oceans
tortured souls
unable to land
come to port
complete the journey

unable to complete
the circle
the journey
to be as one
not to be
as two

thoughts and
crash the seas
the mantra repeats
can not have
what is not

what if it is true
the highest mountains
the deepest seas
stand between you
it is not worth the effort
it can not be
no sacrifice too great
but to no avail

Don Quixote
jousted at windmills
laughed at
he didn't win

like a lovesick boy
in school
heart set
on the prettiest girl
not to be

why do men
do what they do
brain doesn't
get in the way
logic spock
too human
heart gets in the way

doesn't need to
make sense
she reads
thoughts undone
space and time
allows one to
reach out
or brush away

there will be
or two or three
not to
be there

should have
known better
why did I try
doddering old fool

taken as I am
true to thy self
accept or reject
fall as they may
owed nothing
by other
a cleansing
not complete

bury into the
this too shall pass
just a man

to survive
the saying

just friends
not lovers
my ghost ship
journeys on

R. J. Denzel
R. Jacob Post Poetic Muses

Daily Quote: You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.
- Robert Louis Stevenson

Linguist Corner-ITALIAN : scoprire: to find out / verb.
Ogni giorno scopro di amarti più del giorno prima. Buon San Valentino!
Translation: Every day I realize that I love you more than the day before. Happy St. Valentine's Day.

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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By: Lisa Shields

The sun rose on fields
snow blown and misted
ghostly swirls and dervishes.
No fog this---
for fog simply lies.
No---this was living
as it arched and twisted,
fingering out to the road
and reaching for me
like the shade of a beloved friend.
There was white inside,
trying to seep out of pores,
I felt it strain
trying to mesh and meld
with this sentient wraith
fingers touching
and suddenly
I am the morning mist
dancing in the crystal air.

©2006 Lisa Shields

Daily Quote:
"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."
~Oscar Wilde

Linguist Corner-SPANISH: conocimiento / noun / knowledge
- No tenía conocimiento de la existencia de esa cuenta bancaria.
He didn’t know about the existence of that bank account.
- Tengo algunos conocimientos musicales.
I have some knowledge of music.

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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By: Fergus Carty

In this deep congealing pool of inky dark,
Here everything unwritten is left to lurk.
Tired eyes unseeing vainly strain to peer,
Through the stifling night and dense atmosphere.

Here every dull second draws out slower,
Than each breath that is a gasping labour
Einstein in the corner sits with his practiced smile,
“I know it’s a theory but it will stand for awhile”.

The actor fiddles with his gun and his dagger,
Then he clears his mind to get in character
Alone he stands upon the stage, before the set,
Will plagues or atoms upstage his final act?

From missing slates above the shadowed hall,
Dust speckled piercing beams twist and fall.
Round and round yin and yang go swirling,
And over the missing floorboards quick-stepping.

His clumsy feet trip him, he swears obscenely,
And goes crashing through the shoddy scenery .
Waiting then for what seems forever to land,
Only to find himself sprawled in the sand.

Rising, dazed and gritty, up off the ground,
The scene is vision without the sound.
Sword in the right and target in the left,
By a faceless enemy he is now beset.

“Too fond of eating Christians it would appear.
They refuse to touch you. So now you’re here”
With a bone dry net and a mocking trident,
He swings and thrusts with each sneering taunt.

“Forget the crowds, here the plebs don’t rule,
just bear in mind that I’m on a schedule.
Only one thumb matters, don’t stare and stop,
It alone will cast you down or raise you up!”

Fergus Carty

Daily Quote: "Never miss a joy in this world of trouble ... that’s my theory!... Happiness, like mercy, is twice blest: it blesses those most intimately associated with it and it blesses all those who see it, hear it, touch it or breathe the same atmosphere."
-- Kate Douglas Wiggin

Linguist Corner-FRENCH : bientôt / shortly / adverb
French: Noël sera bientôt là: plus que quelques jours d'attente, les enfants !
English: Christmas will be here shortly: only a few more days of waiting, children!

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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By: Fergus Carty

Clearing skies
Sun-beams twisting through dense air
Light dappling beneath branches
Needles, moss, grass
Sensations under palm
Water wrapping around fingers
Trickling, murmuring over rounded stones
Scenting resin, moisture
Imagined place.

Fergus Carty

Daily Quote: A man's character is his guardian divinity.
- Heraclitus

Linguist Corner-SPANISH: cansado / adjective
tired; tiring
- Carlos está muy cansado.
Carlos is very tired.
- Estoy cansada de hacer lo mismo todos los días.
I’m tired of doing the same thing every day.
- Debe de ser cansado tener que corregir tantos exámenes.
It must be tiring having to mark so many exam papers.

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Coffee Table Poetry's GUEST BOOK is a division of Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers, and is updated often. The easiest way to enjoy the selections from talented fellow poets is to select E-mail or RSS Reader. Also, come follow us on Twitter.
Posted by V. Mahfood - 2010
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