shadows aggravate
my heart,
love seems so far away --
so far, so far
and i am lost
beneath the blue veil
of my dreams
i'll linger awhile,
torn, lost without
i never actually knew yet
fantasied of
no matter how
elegance no longer laces
through all i once held near
i'll wander through and search
for you
'til breath becomes the chill
the air accumulates through
its pale frigidness and
tears fall while
memories loom
i'll sit here and watch
the craving earth
the fragmented rain
and want more
to escape
my very breath of life
ever... and again
Robert Anderson
Daily Quote: The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be.
Because of all I may become, I will close my eyes and leap.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Linguist Corner-ITALIAN: tenere: to hold / verb.
Example sentence: Se lo tieni così stretto, l'uovo si rompe.
Translation: If you hold it too tightly, the egg will break.
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