I am the Maker of the Earth -
For I form the land with my fingers
As deftly as you would mold clay with yours.
I am the Wisdom of the World -
For I whisper secrets in your ear
Demanding you acknowledge my greatness.
I hasten the Coming of the Dawn -
For hope to spring again in the well of your souls
As love flows always from your hearts.
I am the Singer of all Songs -
For my music heralds my coming
As sweetly as the birds sing of the morn.
I shimmer as the Light of the Heavens -
For I never remain the same
Just as the pattern of the stars nightly varies.
I am the Winds of Change and
I shall transport you to such great realms of beauty
That happiness shall kneel at your feet.
And...only then will you have attained
All that which you ceaselessly seek.
V. Mahfood
Coffee Table Poetry for Tea Drinkers

"And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything."
~William Shakespeare
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