Who shouts and chases me
He can never catch me
As I run up the tree
His wife has now joined in the game
And whenever she see me
She shouts and flaps a tea-towel
But it is not the same you see
This weekend they both ignored me
They had visitor you see
They did not want to come and play
That really was a shame
I ran along the back fence
Then I climbed the tree
I also ran along the wood that
They use for a frame
So now I sit upon the post
Looking at their door
Hoping one will see me and
Come out with a roar
Then I can scamper off
And run up my tall tree
Then we’d be back to normal
B.J, his wife and me
(c) Michael Douglas Bosc
My Poetry
Daily Quote: Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.
~George Eliot
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