Look into what i've done and how time flew
Me, who was so untamed,
How appearances be-fooled us two
How pointless it seems now
All makes me think just how
The time have made me stronger
And what took to make through
Friends that were everything
Now i am just left with few
Nights that were so lonely
The mistakes that made me new
The pictures i have lost,
The memories that made through,
The voices that once lingered
Are dimming down too
How losing doesn't hurt any longer
Maybe that’s part of walk through
Accepting fault isn’t hard now
I wish making them was optional too
But since love is all that matters
Believe me i love you.
Shilpi Grewal

Daily Quote: It all depends on how we look at things,
and not how they are in themselves.
- Carl Jung
Linguist Corner-ITALIAN: regalare: to present / verb
Example sentence: Il giorno del pensionamento, i colleghi le regaleranno una collana.
Translation: On the day of her retirement, her co-workers will present her with a necklace.
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