Grey skies, grey faces, grey feelings, grey hearts
That's what keeps the world apart
From unity, which has no bounds
That engulfs and surrounds
The grey moves, dark as clouds
The great evil it does shroud
Moves along, devouring its prey
Those who resist, it doth slay
But forget not, my dear friends
There is a chance to make amends
For what is grey without its white?
But a mute man with no sight
But for this brightness to ignite
First the darkness it must fight
An epic battle doth ensue
And we will definitely see it through
Krantol Northic
Krantol Northic Poems
"Today is your day to dance lightly with life,
sing wild songs of adventure,
invite rainbows & butterflies out to play,
soar your spirit, and unfurl your joy."
~Jonathan Lockwood Huie
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