days getting shorter
nights getting longer
a bit of coolness
starts to drift
in from the night
kids back in school
sports scene
turns over
winter thoughts
come upon us
holidays rush to
meet us
swiftly changing
with the seasons
does age make
it faster
as time marches on
people stop grilling
beaches close
pools shut down
list of to do
things to be done
getting ready
coldness brings aches
months will be many
before it is sunny
darkness changes
happiness is fleeting
somwhere it is warm
fun in the sun
life is a joy
but now the wind howls
cold fingers searching
looking for openings
places have snow
flakes are special
but not all at once
trudging through
upward and onward
getting through it all
but as the world turns
and changes
so do the seasons
and soon the warmth
will return again
but as one gets older
time crawls for the
good times to get here
and speeds up the bad
one day at a time
may be all we have left
Raymond Denzel
R. Jacob Post
"Cruel and cold is the judgment of man, Cruel as winter, and cold as the snow; But by-and-by will the deed and the plan Be judged by the motive that lieth below."
~Lewis J. Bates
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